Friday, July 23, 2010

Soccer Starts

Team USA, navy blue. Peter has the orange legs and Jamison has the red.
First couple weeks, practice. Then some games. Nothing too exciting to report.

Hot humid days mean a visit to a spash park. Jamison would stand on top of the water and scream "water wedgy". I had to look away and pretend that he is not my child. I have a case of tweedle dee and tweedle do......Peter on the other had would stand under a bucket and have it dump right on his face. One time it even knocked him down to his hands and knees. He got up and said "that hurt" Genius! It cooled them down in a flash!
We have had a few crazy storms lately. Funnel clouds were sited in neighboring towns. We lost power for a while and had some branches down but not as bad as Mrs. Johnson across the street. This was a huge maple tree in her back yard. Fortunately it fell away from the house and nothing was smooshed except a couple bird nests. I know I am looking forward to some cooler, less humid weather!

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