Tuesday, July 27, 2010

photo shoot

My attempt at 6yo pictures. It took a small bribe of a bakugan key chain for them to cooperate and for the most part they did ok. We even had a wardrobe change! There are very few occasions where I feel like I can dress them up like twins, and a fun photo op is one! Below are some outtakes....the boys were hiding in the flowers and pretending to be rabbits. Or atleast that is what Jamison was doing, i have no idea what Peter is doing. I broke out the FILM camera. I had to explain to the boys what film was....and they still didnt get it because they kept asking to see the picture. See how much they "love" each other!This one is pretty cute, but they look like conjoined twins. The boys were having fun setting up poses...but at times they got out of hand. Right after this one Peter pushed down hard and Jamison started to cry. It was that laugh that moved right into the cry...so as a parent you dont know what really happened...you were laughing a second ago! Keiko sent the boys outfits called "Jinbei" (i guess a "happi is just the shirt). The boys liked them and said that they are super cool! and comfortable. I wanted to see if i could get one boy in the jinbei and the other in their leiderhosen for our aupair experience photo...but I did not think I could stuff even Peter in the leiderhosen. This is our "noogey" shot....another one that lead to a small battle.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Soccer Starts

Team USA, navy blue. Peter has the orange legs and Jamison has the red.
First couple weeks, practice. Then some games. Nothing too exciting to report.

Hot humid days mean a visit to a spash park. Jamison would stand on top of the water and scream "water wedgy". I had to look away and pretend that he is not my child. I have a case of tweedle dee and tweedle do......Peter on the other had would stand under a bucket and have it dump right on his face. One time it even knocked him down to his hands and knees. He got up and said "that hurt" Genius! It cooled them down in a flash!
We have had a few crazy storms lately. Funnel clouds were sited in neighboring towns. We lost power for a while and had some branches down but not as bad as Mrs. Johnson across the street. This was a huge maple tree in her back yard. Fortunately it fell away from the house and nothing was smooshed except a couple bird nests. I know I am looking forward to some cooler, less humid weather!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Big Birthday Boys !!6!!

The attic is getting close to being move-in-ready so that means we can shift furniture around and the boys get their own room! Jamison stayed in the room that they had and Peter moved into the "toy room" or "Keiko's room" The boys were very excited to have dresser space to display their most prized treasures....rocks and jewels. They even have enough dresser drawer space that they each have a special drawer of treasures...more rocks. (man, if that drawer pulls out all the way and crashes on toes that person is not going to be happy. BIRTHDAY PARTY! and that means cake manipulation. Jamison requested a bunny, like the one we had at Easter, but chocolate. This one had to laydown because his legs broke off. Eventually his head broke off also but Jamison did not notice because of all the excitement. I added jellybean poop for the kids. They loved eating the poop. Peter requested an army cake (again). I am still not a fan of army men, so thank goodness to ToyStory3 and Legos, i had to accessorize with Lego men. "Birthday Goers at 5'oclock!'. I know why my mom only let us have 2 parties....they are exhausting!. Pizza making, relay race, scavenger hunt, pinata and a water balloon fight! Who needs a bounce house and those crazy party places.The army cake was declared the "coolest cake ever!" by one of the 6yos. I am pretty proud of myself! Pinata wacking!....rules. #1-backs against the barn #2-each person gets 2 swings #3-wait until we say "go" to scoop up candy. Yes...someone got hit in the head because he broke rules #1 and 3. Fortunately it was my kid.Presents. The boys made a haul! For their actual birthday we had a pretty low key day. Swim lesson, martial arts class, birthday dinner(breakfast for dinner, including yes, you guessed it- BACON) and an ice cream cake! The boys gave each other gifts "Cullen style" in a brown paper bag. At one point during the day Jamison asked "Mom, am I really 6?" yes dear, I cant believe it myself. Happy Birthday Boys!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

floors and extras

I finished the hardwood floors! One step closer to moving in! I forget how fun it is to sqaut for 3 hours at a time to sand and reapply poly 3 times. Man my legs were feeling it! But the look pretty nice. (not my legs, but the floor)Now all that is left to do is trim, door, stairs, hand rail and storage cubby. Woo hoo! Swim lessons started this week. This year, level 2. I can noticeably see that the boys are more comfortable in the water and have started to do the front crawl and backstroke. Here they got to go off the diving boards, no help required to go off, just a little help to get back to the edge. This year their teachers are named Nikki and Ty. No Lance this year, but the boys are still enjoying class! The neighbors gave us their basketball hoop!! woohoo!! We were talking about getting one since Peter has been very interested in BB so it could not have come at a better time! Thanks Neighbors! Pat and Teresa started a game of HORSE. We have played HORSE, HIPPO, RABBIT, PIG, ALLIGATOR and the list of animals go on!
The boys are getting their own room.! With the attic nearing completion (or atleast almost move-in ready) we are able to move furniture up there and all around. We are hoping to get it all situated this weekend. BUT, the boys have to go through all of their clothes and cuddle friends to split up. It is kind of funny, i am imagining it as a school age divorce....." you can have brown spot and I will take pompoon."
Pat gave the boys an early birthday present. A razor scooter! After one push, the boys realized that they needed knee guards and elbow guards. Thank goodness! Jamison is really working the look, even down to the Converse All Stars....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Activities at home

During our vacation we went to McD once, it was our treat to the boys, they didnt even ask. The happy meal came with tatoos and the boys wanted them on their face! Not sure why Peter wanted his pointed to his mouth. "food goes here". Luckily they wore off when we went to the pool! Jamison started his martial arts class. With the intorductrory class you get a 1-on-1 class with the instructor. It was so cute listening to Jamison shout "yes sir!" or "no sir". Class started the next day. This class is a mix of Muay Thai, Judo, Tae Kwan Do, Karate and JuJitsu. I think he is getting it all in there. Jamison seems to be enjoying the class and I am pretty happy about that. I think it will be good for him and hopfully improve his listening skills and flexibility. (i am not happy about the price tag that comes with that). Let the birthday celebrations begin! A package from KEIKO! Yummy Keiko snacks, Pokemon stickers and a japanese robe. I did a little reseach and I think they are called a "happi" (Keiko, let me know if that is correct). The boys looked so cute. I will be taking better pictures. THANKS KEIKO! Summer means the farm! It has been raining a bit so we brought our rain boots. Jamison went to put on his boots and found a surprise! "um mom, there is a frog in my boot" What! Yup, a cuddly treefrog! Not sure if we brought him from our house or if the little guy hopped in when he was messing around. At any rate, we released him in the farm to live out his happy life. Hey Peter "can you say "snap peas". Pat's nighmare. A sink full of broccoli! Hey Katie, this remind you of anything? It's a Shiva carrot!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Epic vacation blog

We have returned from our 14 state, 3,500 mile, 12 day vacation with lots of pictures.

I broke them up a bit, enjoy!

Cedar Point- The Amusement Capital

Day 1 or our epic vacation. Cedar Point Amusement Park.

The boys were 47' and 47 1/2" tall, one inch too short to go on the big rides. But that was ok. There was one bigger roller coster to go on, The Iron Dragon, and during the whole ride Peter screamed "I am never going on this again!!!!!!!" I am glad that we did not have to pay for the high price tickets! I think his fear of heights and having no control really had an impact on him. Notice Jamison's expression and then Peter's. Pat was excited to have a roller coster buddy, Jamison. He loved the rides that go in circles and whip around. This is the Matterhorn. I (yippee) get to hang out with Peter during these rides. I could go on the big ones, but once you start a repetitive motion, i want to vomit. While Pat waited in line for the Top Thrill Dragster (1hour wait, 17 second ride), I took the boys to things more their speed. Skee Ball. They could have played that all day. Also, they saw one of those "claw" games, with Pokemon inside. (ToyStory reference, "you have been chosen") The boys were given two tries. I even told them that I never saw anyone win. Guess what, Peter captured Chimchar, a pokemon. Jamison was devastated. I caved and gave him one more try, reminding him how hard it is to get one. He still did not get one. I have never seen him soooo sad, tears, sobbing. Enough that the employee felt bad and opened the machine up and gave him a Pikachu. He was sooo thankful! and so was I. You cant have one boy with a pokemon and the other not. We recognized Camp Snoopy rides! so we spent some time in there, rides that Peter can handle . He liked the Frog Hopper. Pat cant wait until the boys are taller and have more endurance. 5 hours is about all they could handle with all the stimulation. I guess we will be returning some day.