Friday, February 26, 2010


Jamison decided that he was going to make the salad for dinner. He opened his invisible cookbook and decided to make his famous pear banana apple carrot salad. Wini (bottom of the pic) was trying to tell him to grab the crackers for her...but he does not speak dog. He peeled and cut the bananas, I helped with the apples. Then you give it a good mix (and you have to include the silly dance) . And ta-da! Salad! An odd mixture but it tasted good. He tells me there a lot more recipes in his invisible cook book that he was to cook. I am almost afraid to find out. This week in school they talked about dental health as well as eating healthy. Jamison is a sponge when it comes to remember things that he is told (he does not remember to stop picking his nose or chewing on his nails...but he is with fun facts). A dentist came to their school to talk about oral heath and Jamison said "mom do you know your mouth is called a 'germ cafeteria". Then on our way to Menards he decides that he is going to wear his dentist mask. "Mom, do you know that there are germs everywhere and if you wear this you can protect yourself from those germs". Yes Jamison, but I think people are going to look at you like you have germs". He wore the mask in the car...took it off before we went inside. Then when I told him that I took a whole college classs all about germs we had a lengthy discussion about shapes, colors and habitat of bacteria! I cant wait until sex ed in middle school!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy 90th Bday GGma Ruth-and an awesome weekend with the cousins

It was Great Grandma Ruth's 90th Birthday! People from all around came for the celebration! Pizza, baloons and chocolate cake, she sure knows how to throw a party! A beautiful chocolate cake was made by Sue and Marcie for the party, it was almost to pretty to eat....but it is chocolate cake! Here is GGma with all her great grand kids!We were also able to meet cousin Josies boys and get a good game of skee-ball in. Happy Joes is a fun place to be!

Happy Birthday GGma! Back at the Cullen ranch....a lot of "ruckous-ing" was going on. We were short a few cousins but it was nice to get the row of boy photo. It has been a while since the last one. And by ruckous-ing....the boys were so excited to see each other they retreated to the basement for a whole lot of boy fun to only come upstairs when it was time to refuel with pancakes, grapefruit, eggs and BACON. (an underlining theme is the past couple blog posts). After a good breakfast you need a dip in the hottub! Then you are ready to hit the ice! There are some nice things about living in a small can call up the rec depart and ask about ice skates and they let you borrow whatever sizes you need!

Grandpa Don cleared off a fantastic spot on the lake and made an awesome rink! Thanks Gpa! And we had the most perfect weather!. Too bad those skates did not come with butt and elbow padding.
Jamison was spent, and wished he could have one of those walkers.

Is he dead???

The skates came off and a game of broom ball was started. It was grandpa and the grandkids against Torrie.....Torrie was winning.

Jamison became a little tipsy with all the hot chocolate.....he is going to be the snow bunny at the lodge instead of the "Shawn White"
Peter could go either way.
Pug RIDE!! It was great to see the cousins! Hope to see you again soon!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Now, that's love

Happy Valentine's Day!

Nothing says love better than heart shaped french toast and bacon.Ok, you can skip the french toast and go right to the bacon. Now that is real love! The boys surprised me with some chocolates from the chocolate store and Pat treated me to some chocolate covered espresso beans. Yummy! they then retreated to the man cave for some video games. I gave the boys their first "I can read" book. One step up from "See Jane run". We spent time reading...they are doing really well!We watched Scooby Doo where's my mummy. Jamison knew where his mummy was....right under him! That is how he watched the whole movie. Comfy!Wini has become more princess-like in her old age. We get barked at when she is not covered up with a blanket, barked at if we have been at the dinner table long enough(she tries to clean up the boys plates) and barked at if I dont wash off the table fast enough. I appreciate her wanting the table cleaned up but really question her motives.Sunday was a perfect day for sledding. Pat was feeling a little sick (P&J brought some junk home from school) So the boys and took to the hills....Liberty Hill. Sledding was fun! until I performed the "agony of defeat" and landed with a pant full of snow! I think some chocolate covered espresso beans with make me feel better!
I have some video but I am having a hard time loading it. I will try again later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow day

Another snow day, sheesh. These kids are going to go to school until July. So for this snow day I treated the boys to a movie and pizza. What I did not know was that we were going to get a personal showing to Alvin and the Chipmunks.

I never was the only one in the movie! When asked, Jamison said his favorite park of the movie was when the kids were given wedgies...nice hugh. The boys look sweet, eh? dont let them fool you, they have been at each others neck for the past couple days. I have had to seperate them in different rooms just so they dont hit each other. This photo quickly lead to a push and a scratch....and a timeout out for both boys. Mount Horeb Fire Chief Himsel died last week and the town gave him full goodbye. He dedicated his life to fire safety. Our thoughts go out to him and his family.Fire Trucks came from all around the state came to pay their respects. There were so many trucks coming into town there was a guy in front of our house directing them where to go. I felt bad for the guy standing there for hours...i brought him some coffee. Raise your hands if you are ready to go back to school???? I am.!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wilderness Weekend with the ladies!

Wilderness Weekend! with the ladies! We look forward to this every year. Kids have way too much fun, parents catch up and drink beer and people watch. (i totally missed getting the head of the bear in this picture)The boys did a fantastic job with all the slides, water splashing in their face and exploring on their own. We never lost one! We hit two water parks before a mutiny was staged...they were hungry!A little cartoon before we head off to bed. Snuggle up to your best cuddle friend. I was impressed that Peter shared Sparky the cat with Lily, I guess he has forgotten that she stole one of his the last time we saw them.Lily was not his friend, a friend would never steal your cuddle friend.In the morning we dined on french toast fruit and yogurt! The boys added special treats in their M&Ms and candy hearts. Sounded disgusting to me. Looked pretty though. Cant have a weekend with out some beautiful artwork. Peter is working on another book, he has made three already. The bathtub was huge! we were inspired to take some crazy fun photos..... NOW EVERYONE IN THE SHOWER! Peter then suggested that they all sit on the toilet, we stopped there. Everyone ready to go back to the park?! This year we we had energy to make it to the indoor play area even though this guy creeped me out. The boys had a blast! even Pat as he took the boys to play "wack-a-shark" and Skeeball. I was amazed the boys had loads of fun picking up balls, I cant get them to pick up their toys! Maybe I need to set up some air compressors that shoot toys and legos all over the house, that way it is fun to pick them up? Think it will work?Crazier outfit, the easier it is to see your kid in the sea of others. I could totally spot Jamison. A parent should be proud.....Lily amuzed herself just sitting like this for a long time!
Everyone say WILDERNESS WEEKEND! Thanks SS&LL for a great weekend!! Cant wait 'til next year! Maybe Lucy will embrace the regular kid slides next year and maybe the boys will be tall enough to go down the slides by them self?...but then what would we do????.

weekend visitors

Last weekend we had our friends the Tallers stop by for a visit, they were on their way to the dells for a weekend of water fun. We had to show them what MtHoreb is famous for...trolls. The boys taught Evie how to capture trolls, Analise wanted nothing to so with it. Sadly, the Mustard Museum has left town, so no pretzels and beer mustard for them. During the week I had a visitor out of the kitchen window, ther were two of them...little do they know the owner of the yellow house behind him is an avid deer hunter. If the deer looked in the window it would be mortified!