Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Field trips and Memorial Day weekend at the cabin

First grade research project-pick an animal that lives in the rainforest, do a report/presentation including a diorama/game/poster. Peter picked poison dart frogs, yeah! He did a great job with the reseach and his best penmanship on his report and I was happy to help out with the hot glue gun. Look carefully, how many frogs can you find? Jamison picked the harpy eagle and wanted to make a statue....so out comes my paper mache skills! He wanted it life size! Those things can be up to 3ft tall! "Jake" was escorted to school on presentation day...didnt think it would have survived a bus ride with 50 students!. Harpy eagles eat sloths and monkeys....maybe he might gobble up a kindergartener! I was planning to go to school and bring him home after Jamison's presentation but as I watched the boys get off the bus....Jake was in Jamison's hands! Jamison assured me that it did not eat any kindergarteners. The boys got ahold of the camera...there are some wonderful shots of Jamison! I chaperoned Jamison's class to Olbrich Garden and Aldo Leopold Nature center. At the gardens we had to find a word for every letter of the alphabet...it took us a while to find the Zinnias. For lunch they stopped at a park...had to make the kids sit for 15min before they overtook the playground! I didnt know you could fit 5 kids on a tire swing! At the nature center we went hunting for life under the water! Dragon fly nymphs and water scorpions! I am in my element. I think the leader was surprised by Jamison...he knew all the answers to her questions! A few days later I chaperoned Peters class to the Henry Vilas Zoo! First stop the herpatarium....thats my boy! Memorial Day we headed up north. We thought the boys were old enough to try real fishing...with hooks, bait and everything! They LOVED it! Peter caught his first fish and has a story about a 18" walleye that got away. I wonder if it was 18"...maybe 8", you know how fishing stories are. Jamison had some good bites but was not able to land the darn thing. So he posed with the one that Gpa caught. Better luck next time! Jamison was curious about the lake and wondered if he could jump in. We said go for it!....Unfortunately, right after this photo he freaked out, forgot how his life jacket worked and started screaming thinking he was going to drown. After we calmed him down we talked about how he was never in danger of drowning and he has to trust the life jacket. We convinced him to ease back in the water and feel how it makes him float. I dont think he is all that convinced....we will have to try it again. The boys tried to get Pat to tip over....no luck. We had a blast up at the cabin! Thanks Gma and Gpa.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Work and Play

Not much much happening around here these days. I think it is the calm before the storm, and by storm I mean summer vacation. There are only 13 more days of school left, two of which are field trips!. I have mixed feelings about summer vacation.....So many fun things to do but yet the boys are home every day! German chocolates! A package from Heike. We love presents! Thanks Heike! the boys have enough sugar to last them a good long while. Jamison has been focused on extra jobs around the house to earn a couple bucks. He really wants to buy another beyblade so he offers to do extra jobs. Here he is trimming the grass that the lawmmower misses. This is what Peter does while Jamison is working. He is playing with his beyblade. He is going to be one sad boy the day that Jamison earns enough money and he didnt. This weekend we tackled another tree. We are hoping to thin out some of the pines behind the barn. There are a lot of dead branches back there...and it will free up some space for the boys to mess around in the "woods" with out getting lost in Stewart Park. Jamison is an awesome worker. He spent three hours hauling branches on the trailer and then off the trailer at the compost pile. He earned enough money for his toy and wanted to go to Target right away, mud and all! Peter did eventually start to work and did a great job cleaning out the garage. He unfortunately did not have enough money for the toy he wanted and had to borrow money from me.....now he is my slave!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fishing widow and Mother's Day

Who plans Fishing Opener the same weekend as Mother's Day? Not sure but it worked out really well this year! Pat went up north fishing and I hung out with the boys all weekend!As a kid we would ask my dad what he wanted as a gift and he ALWAYS replied "good kids". Rarely were we able to deliver. I was pleasantly surprised by the boys as they were fun, happy and all around great kids! and I didnt have to ask! It was awesome. They played well with each other and did not fight and were helpful around the house! It was the best present ever! I also loved their cards and presents made from school! Happy Mother's Day to my mom and all the moms out there!
The weather has been trying to turn around. It was nice enough on saturday to have a picnic dinner outside. We sat outside to enjoy the sun. I just wished the boys would finish eating before they laid down. The latest obsession.....beyblades. Basically tops that would "battle". Last one standing is the winner. They can battle for hours! and there is no trickery or manipulation....which means no fighting or complaining that someone is not being fair. Of all the crazy kid crap for collecting, I think this might be my favorite one.On Sunday we went hiking at a state park that we have never been to before. It was Jamison's turn to take some photos with my camera. He stuck to more trees and plants. Peter did see some rocks that he needed to take pictures of. I am so glad we have a digital camera. We have A LOT of pictures of rocks. This one had a lake where the boys could get their feet wet...and eventually their bottoms. The water was pretty cold but that did not seem to bother the boys. Man, Peter's hair is getting long. it will be interesting how summer goes, it is getting to that length where it is in his eyes all the time. The 16th annual Womens Weekend in Minneapolis at the end of April. WW is like fight club, 1st rule is you do not talk about what is said at WW. 2nd rule, you do not repeat what is said at WW. #3 someone has to bring the Oreos and #4 there has to be booze. Thanks ladies, it was nice to see you all!. Start thinking about the 20th! it has to involve a plane, at least 4 nights and maybe a beach or the use of my passport!