Monday, June 21, 2010

Fathers Day

More progress has been made on the attic. This past weekend Pat sanded the floors and they are ready for the poly! They are as smooth as a babies bottom! I realized this is not a dirty camera lense but the flash hitting the dust in the air. There was a bumpy start.....the sander tripped every possible circuit in the house. So Pat had to improvise. Dont show this to the inspector! I am thankful Pat knows what he is doing with electricity....he had to wire a new larger circuit just for the job. It would be something MacGyver would be proud of...although there was no duct tape. For Father's Day we made bacon, eggs and pancakes. Jamison is sure a handy kitchen helper (except for the big mess he makes and convienently disappears at cleaning time.) Gifts were given "Cullen Style", wrapped in the bag they came in. A video game the boys can play "with" dad on his Nintendo DS, a magnet from Peter that he made in school and a clay pot that Jamison made in school. According to Peter's card
Pat is -
As handsone as a ladebug (ladybug)
as smart as a frog
as tall as mom
as funny as a dinosaur
as happy as a muke (monkey)
as strong as a sok (Peter does not remember what that was)
as hungry as a frowr (again, dont know what that is)
as nice as a moke (monkey again)

Dinner request from the man of the and carrots on the front porch, no plate required. I wish it was the steak and lobster my dad was getting but pizza will do!

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Strawberries and bball

Peter has been doing well at BB camp. He is already talking about next year! I guess we are going to have to look for a hoop for the yard. Below are the 1-3rd graders. Maybe someone will be the next Kobe Bryant, without all of the media drama. (Peter in on the bottom left, about 5 kids in). In the beginning of camp, Peter was the only one with a mohawk, each day there would be a few more. I think Peter felt pretty cool and I would have to say, his was the the longest. Thursday was strawberry picking. Since we are headed on vacation soon we only picked a couple pounds. The kids probably ate more in the fields. We went with our friends Gracey, Joey and Lucy (and Miss Katie). Poor Miss Katie, Little Lucy (1yo) was having some seperation issues. And by seperation i mean Miss Katie was a whole 1 foot away. Good think I had 4 great helpers, we picked enough for both families! Say "STRAWBERRIES!" No one lost keys, got sun burned or ate too many berries and had an emergency bathroom break so I think it was a good trip. (but maybe next time Lucy might stay home, at least until she is 3). The boys' teachers sent home loads of things to over the summer. So summer homework it is! (i can hear the nation-wide moan from all the older kids). The boys have been loving the writing and math activities. Jamison actually got mad at me demanding more math homework! They really look forward to their daily journal entries (thank goodness i have a list of topics. Idont think i could think of that many topics for the whole summer). We also spend at least 30 minutes a day with me (and not their pesky brother) to read. They are doing a pretty good job! I think they really like the one-on-one time without their brother more than the reading, but if get them reading it is a win win for everyone.

One new rule for this house, boys are required to have a 45 min quiet/rest time. If successfully completed (meaning no talking or fighting with their brother) then they can go to bed at summer time hours. If they are sleeping, i let them sleep. If rules are broken, school bedtime. So far this week, 4/5 days they slept from 2-3 hours. When they are not sleeping, they are eating or asking to eat. I have a feeling that they are growing!

One week into summer vacation and it has gone great! 9more to go.

(not sure if I like the new look. we will see)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Basketball camp

Summer activites have already started. Peter chose basketball camp. Jamison has no interest (he will be doing TaeKwonDo later this summer)I guess i did not realize how loud it would be with 60 1-3rd graders bouncing balls. I had to remind Peter to let the coaches know that he is a lefty. I noticed he was getting his legs and hands a little crossed with the instruction the coach was giving. The coach had plenty of highschool helpers and it went better than I expected. Last 1o minutes were shooting. Peter only got bonked in the head once, not bad. Michael Jordon move over. We have a Peter Cullen on his way up!


Womens Weekend 15. We can not be that old, can we? Over the years conversations have evolved from dating/wedding plans to careers/house purchases/children and now it is lacto-intolerances/back and joint pain/40yo bday plans. Damn it is rough getting old.It was the first time in years when we have been all able to make it! Friday night started with deep dish pizza at Gino's East where we were able to leave our mark on the wall! Saturday we were able to shop Michigan Ave, head over to Navy Pier. Others headed to Millenium Park and Art Museums. Lisa holding up the lighthouse. Saturday night was dinner and beers at Goose Island Brewery where we enjoyed sampling the tasty beers.And then off to Second City Comedy Club for an improv/comedy show. I have not laughed so hard in a long time. Conversation was nice and no chicken nuggest were served. It was a great weekend get-a-way! Thanks Ladies! Next year, Minneapolis.

At home....mans weekend. When asked what food they would like for the weekend Pat requested bacon, pizza and doughnuts. I dont want to know what else happened.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

END of School

I cant believe that today was the last day of school. They have come a long way from the first day of school. I had to get the "last day of K" photo. They even look way older! After the big last day, we went for icecream. They both had fantastic report cards that warranted ice cream before dinner!
Let the summer fun begin!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jamison's picnic celebration

The end of the school year is coming fast! The boys are ready for a break, but that means my days of quiet are coming to an end. I joined Jamison's class for picnic at Grundahl Park . Thanks Miss Casper for a great year! Then the kids were off to their last field trip, the Vet (and I went home to take a nap). I cant believe they are almost first graders.The day has come.....Peter's mohawk. I told him he could have it for the last day of school and that day is tomorrow. He had some awesome length, a little too much, so we trimmed the top a bit. I think he might need the Aquanet Super Hold or glue to make it really stand on end. ROCK ON! He will need sunscreen on his head for a while.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Weeked of craziness-floors, frolic and BBQ

Hard wood floor weekend! THANKs Don for coming down to help. We really appreciate it! One more step closer to having our new space! While Don and Pat were hard at work, the boys found fun things to do... It started as a small water fight with super soakers and the hose...then the sky opened up and started to pour! Oddly, the hose was still running. What can entertain boys more then big puddles and dirt. I should have given them a bar of soap! It was the Mount Horeb Frolic, and fortunatley I was able to distract the boys from going to the carnival portion of the weekend (where you spent 25$ for 3 carnival rides) but we could not miss the parade. Jamison is practicing his "smile and wave". That is how you get the attention of the parade people and get good candy! Peter would not practice, but pulled out the cuteness for the real thing. The parade finale, as always, was the firetrucks.....all shiney. They even brought one of the older models out! This one is actually red, different from the MountHoreb black. Then in the afternoon was the "After School BBQ" for Miss Mathys' and Miss Casper's Kindergarten class, hosted by US! We love a good party! One mom brought a snowcone machine! What a fantastic idea! and a good investment! They were a HIT! Occasionaly you would find what appeared to be clown vomit in the grass....but is was just a snow cone casualty. Soccer, football, baseball, sandbox and a whole lot of fun! Then a water balloon toss. After three rounds of the toss....we had a full-on waterballoon fight! There were got three throwing in the face or grown-up with a camera. Luckily I had a camera. Lets examine this picture..... Poor Alex got on in the face (below) Peter is pretty excited about getting someone and Porter has his arm engaged in somone off camera. I think Miss Mathys got hit once...not bad. I would think she would have been hit a few more times. The cutest was when Garret's little brother (1yo) broke on in his hands and started to cry....i didnt mean to laugh at him, but when his mom was on the grass laughing I felt much better. And we finally said "goodbye" to Murphy, our boat. When we moved here we told ourselves that if we dont use it in two years that we should sell it. Well, it has been three years, and we still have not use it. We just have too many other things that we want to do, so it is time to go. In 4 hours (without a post on CL) it sold. MAN! we can sell anything in our front yard! Goodbye to our pre-kid toy. Now Pat can focus on the zip line that he and the neighbor are planning on making.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Peter Kindergarten Celebration

We were invited to Peter's class for an "End of the Year Celebration". The kids all wrote stories to read to all of their guests and sang all of their sight word songs. When asked "who would like to go" everyone raised their hands except Peter. One by one the kids read their stories, but not Peter. He finally went 3rd to last. When I asked him why he wasnt raising his hand his reply was "I wanted to be the last one, because my story was the best." His story consisted of playing Pokeman with his friends Nathan and Porter. Although his story was cute, my favorite story was from Kolton. He and his dad went fishing and they caught 21 fish. He caught 20 and his dad caught 1.Peter and Miss Mathys. Peter sure had her wrapped around his finger!

G-O-G-O-G-O-G-O, GOGOGO to school

Enjoy the songs. They are a little catchy, I still find myself humming along.

Inbetween each song Adwen thought it would be funny to shout "peanut" and "chicken". The kids thought it was funny, Miss Mathys did not. Miss Mathys then sat next to him for the rest of the show

Only 4 more days left of school. Then summer vacation! The boys are more excited for that than I am.