Sunday, November 20, 2011

Basketball and Ski Brule

Last weekend Coworker Eric gave us tickets to see a Badger basketball game. Grownups flipped a coin, mom won, boys flipped a coin and Peter won, so away we went. The Badgers were playing the Owls. We figured that the Owls might have a good chance to win since they are an excellent bird of prey but after the 1st half, they only had 12 points we figured it was going to be a blow out! Peter had fun trying to capture action shots. This one was pretty good! Badgers won 85-31. I felt bad for the Owls and would cheer them on once in a while, but YAY Badgers! Cousin Lisa asked if the boys wanted to help out with the Ski Brule float in the Green Bay Holiday Parade. The boys have never been in a parade. Jamison was excited...Peter nervous and claimed that he didn't want to do it. I told him he was and he would have fun!. (and I thought it would be fun to get the cousin's kids together...heck...get the cousins together outside of a funeral.) What we didn't know was if the boys were 2nd cousins or first cousins once removed? How does that work?Some floats hand out candy....this one hands out SNOWBALLS! The boys jobs....make snowballs. The grownup jobs, hand out snow balls. We couldn't throw them...but a gentle toss was ok. Behind us were the alpacas, better in back instead of in front of us. The kids had a great time and were able to keep up with the demand. Before the parade was over Jamison asked if he could do it again next year! Peter was being camera shy but we eventually caught him on camera. The parade was being televised so hopefully they got on camera! After the parade we went to Aunt Diane's house to dump the remaining snow....and then a snow ball fight! Couple ice chunks were thrown...they after a few penalties we had the ice ball toss. Thanks for inviting us! You can count on us again for next year!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

Peter has lost another one!
Now he has that classic"missing two front teeth" look. I love it when food comes flying out of the large gaping hole! He now has some things on his Chirstmas list! This weekend was leaves, leaves and more leaves. Peter claimed that this one was the largest one ever! With a status of being the largest we needed to keep it around for a while! Some pictures you just have to make sure you get each year! We are dog sitting Peter's most favorite dog in the world while his owners are in Florida. Bosco! Bosco is a good dog, doesn't bark much, doesn't steal food, enjoys to hang out outside, likes going for walks (although pulls a little too hard). He does however have one MAJOR flaw....oh no! you just didn't do that!!!! Bosco has been busted sleeping on the boys beds so we have kept their door closed. I never thought he could get up on my bed! but he did. Sorry Bosco, not at this house.
Pat has been working really hard and successfully passed a series of really hard geek exams so he treated himself to a new toy! A new JD snow blower!. Look at it, all shiny and new. And he is even reading the manual!
We didn't know that he was going to be able to use it so soon! Yup, a few inches of super heavy wet s, s, sn, snowwwww! ewe. I am so confused. We still have loads of leaves to rake. Hopefully it will all melt by this weekend so we can clear out the rest of the yard.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

The boys costumes turned out great! Here they are getting ready to go out trick-or-treating! Kai, Ninja of Fire and Cole, Ninja of Earth.Here are the boys outside ready to go! You cant tell the difference between the LEGO guys and the boys. The will be able to be quick and move through the night to fill up that bag! Peter and his pumpkin, the scary, scary pumpkin!
And Jamison with his happy pumpkin with his pumpkin minions.
The Ninjas in their battle stance, hopefully they don not run into Lord Garmadon.
Kai, is nimble and quick!
Cole is stealth and sneaky! except when your camera has a can catch even the most sly of ninja!
Happy Halloween!