Tuesday, July 27, 2010

photo shoot

My attempt at 6yo pictures. It took a small bribe of a bakugan key chain for them to cooperate and for the most part they did ok. We even had a wardrobe change! There are very few occasions where I feel like I can dress them up like twins, and a fun photo op is one! Below are some outtakes....the boys were hiding in the flowers and pretending to be rabbits. Or atleast that is what Jamison was doing, i have no idea what Peter is doing. I broke out the FILM camera. I had to explain to the boys what film was....and they still didnt get it because they kept asking to see the picture. See how much they "love" each other!This one is pretty cute, but they look like conjoined twins. The boys were having fun setting up poses...but at times they got out of hand. Right after this one Peter pushed down hard and Jamison started to cry. It was that laugh that moved right into the cry...so as a parent you dont know what really happened...you were laughing a second ago! Keiko sent the boys outfits called "Jinbei" (i guess a "happi is just the shirt). The boys liked them and said that they are super cool! and comfortable. I wanted to see if i could get one boy in the jinbei and the other in their leiderhosen for our aupair experience photo...but I did not think I could stuff even Peter in the leiderhosen. This is our "noogey" shot....another one that lead to a small battle.

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