Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I neglected to add on the Thanksgiving post what the boys said that they were thankful for...so I thought I would start there. Jamison said that he is thankful for the American Flag and his cat, Indy. I never knew that he was that patriotic but I did know he loves his cat! He mauls him everyday. Peter said that he was thankful for life, I thought that was really special.
Pat's received a birthday present from Heike. It is always fun to try new things. This year was some tasty sweets and these little bottles of interesting booze. Pat described is as a cross between goldslagger and Jagermister. He had a cold, so he thought it would help him sleep and get better, and it did.Jamison's friend Austin is already questioning whether or not santa exists, I knew there would be bad influences at school. "Mom, have you even seen the sleigh and "reindeer" (he uses the quotation marks like reindeer antlers). I responded that I have seen some questionable lights in the sky, I have seen reindeer (caribou) and they make a fantastic coffee and how else could you explain the presents under the tree? After a long discussion he is now convinced that Santa lives in outer space on a snowy rock and comes down in a rocket. His beard provides the oxygen that he needs. How else could he make it to everyones house in one night.
The boys decided to skip talking to the man in red at the library and they have chosen to write letters, If they dont they will be only getting socks and underware from christmas. Do you think they have been good boys? Only time will tell. They look innocent.....dont let that fool you. I tried to get the holiday photo...a creative shot with the freshly fallen snow and snow angels...and there were tears and protests. Man, if Santa saw them now there is no way they would even get the underware!

Lets talk about emergencies. What qualifies an event to "emergency"status.
1-significant blood loss
2-loss of consciousness
3-eminent danger
Not my light saber broke. Even Shmi Skywalker would not get out of a nice relaxing shower to repair Annikan's light saber. I guess Annikan would think that it is an emergency if he was fighting the Sith and it broke...but I would call that occupational hazard, not an emergency. Let's just say I did not immediately respond to the young padawans plight.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Thanksgiving up north at Gma Jill and Gpa Don. The boys and I headed out of town before the yucky weather started, Pat had to work and unfortunately drove through the sleet and snow. He made it safely!The boys were a little squirrelly and thought it would be fun to make each other fly. Surprisingly no one got hurt! (The camera was out in the car and was a little frosty but you can still see that Peter is in the air while Jamison is launching him). The time at Grandma's was full of poker! And Grandpa had real poker chips, no legos or GoGos! Jamison was introduced to Chess. He said that he wanted to learn, sadly I had to learn first. Man...there is a lot of of stuff to remember. Pat found an online tutorial for him to play. I better practice too, I have a feeling that he is going to beat me every time. Back home it was time for our second "red-neck" christmas tree cutting. This year's choice was a little, for lack of a better word, rustic. Lets just say it will give Charlie Brown's christmas tree a run for the money. To add insult to injury, Pat took out the chain saw. Nothing says "happy holidays" more than the sound of the chain saw and the smell of gasoline. Let's just say I was able to trim the base of the tree with a hand saw faster than pat was able to get chain saw started. I tried to get a nice picture of the boys in front of the tree but we were loosing light and the boys were not cooperative. I got a nice one of Peter. Jamison was acting weird. Then Peter tried to make Jamison smile, that went over well. I will have to get the christmas card photo at a later date. After Pat's fancy birthday dinner (at Culvers) we decorated the tree. I am happy to have to helpers! They were careful and respectful of all the ornaments. None were broken, yet.I had to rearrange a couple.....I think 3 ornaments in a 3inch section of 1 branch is a little too many. The tree turned out pretty good, a little wild but nice. I think we are going to start planting trees in the woods to cut. I think the remaining three pines in the front yard are too big. The holiday fun has started with a package from friends from Germany! Heike's mom and dad, Christine and Lutz, sent a package! Inside was a fun challenging game of Triominos (triangle dominos). We like our games around here! There was also a stollen which we shared with Gma and Gpa Van when they came down for another holiday meal and the packer game! Thank you Lutz and Christine!!!!! (the packers lost btw...a very sad loss.) With the up-up stairs complete we are able to have another tree up there adorned with all of the StarWars ornaments and remaining balls. Nothing says happy holidays more than the Death Star, Tie-Fighter, R2D2 and Darth Vadar! This tree came from a box and is flame retardant....

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2010

bad blogger

I have not updated the blog lately. Partly because I am tired and partly because our lives have not been all that exciting.Jamison and Pat walked to Walgreens to return movies and we got a call to come pick them up. We have had some unseasonable warm weather but the rain was a little cold. They look pretty miserable.The boys have made great progress in reading, I am very proud of them. We even took out the dictionary and started reading that! See, I told you that we have not been all that exciting. (although reading the dictionary was pretty fun, one word led to another which led to another). Breakfast of pancakes...half with peanut butter and other half nutella. Packer Viking Game. Jamison likes a team if they are a bird (ravens, cardinals, eagles, seahawks, falcons), the coolest mammal (Dolphins) or have red or blue uniforms. Peter swears he likes the Vikings, I thought we moved in time, but I guess not. Oddly he will go to another game at Lambeau in a heart beat, band wagon jumper just like all other Viking "fans". Jamison can be bought off apparently with a piece of candy. This is a note that he wrote before the Packer/Viking Game. I gave him that candy, and the Pack totally beat the Vikings. So maybe he is my good luck charm. I think the most exciting news is my new dryer! We held out as long as we could and luckily the nice weather has allowed me to hang the laundry outside until lastweek, I guess clothes freeze when the sun goes down at 4:30. I spent the weekend doing laundry, amazed that clothes can dry in like 30 minutes when the heat element works. Now who is going to pair and fold socks, I hate folding socks.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Boys first sleepover....boy free night!

The boys had their first sleepover (without parents) with their good friends Caleb and Isaac and Pat and I headed to Minneapolis for a night out in the big city!. Polish food, beers, shopping and hang out with some friends.
With only a small mishap of my brother getting locked out of his own house, the weekend went off without a hitch!. oh, and the insane amount of people at MOA for the Kelly Clarkson concert that if I had any idea that was happening I would have never gone.....oh and that Lego land was under construction and only had a tiny store in the Park that I had to work my way through the Kelly Clarkson crowd to get to. Other than that......i guess what I meant was the boys had a hitch-free weekend. They had fun, and no separation issues and are asking when they can do it again! YEAH! Maybe Pat and I can go on a week long vacation......i can dream! Pat started teaching the boys how to play Texas Hold'em. Peter really likes card games and is getting pretty good. I will see your GoGos, and raise you two! Show me the river!Then one night, Pat introduced Peter to computer poker. Man, if they start skipping out to Ho-Chunk I am going to get really concerned.
Jamison started a new project, writing Japanese letters. First he was making up his own, then he took his Animals and Plants of Japan book and copied the words. He then added some flags. I am curious to see what he actually wrote. Hey Keiko! Can you read any of this?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! The boys have been waiting for this night! Partly for wearing their costumes, but mostly for the candy! But first we had to tackle the pumpkins. Not Pat's favorite part, he gets a little squimish. I would say like a girl, but that would offend all the women i know that stuck their hands in pumpkins! I cleaned all of them! I think all five heads look great!
Now for the costumes. Meet ObiWan. Check out those boots, about 3 inches, knee high boots. Curtesy of Savers. How can you pass them up for $3. Jamison loved them, until he had walk all around the neighborhood.Meet Luke Skywalker, not Annikan as many people thought. I thought the Tatooine sand boots would have been the dead give away. The Jedis are prepared to meet Darth Vader on the streets. The boys also realized that they could use their light sabers for any zombies that may scare them along the way.
The boys made a candy haul, they even went to the house they refused to go last year. And they are willing to share! Sweet! They also started talking about what they are going to be next year....i think they have some time.Weekend chores. We had some serious yard work to do this weekend. The boys had a monetary incentive, a nickle for every stick they bring from the back 40 to the road. So to keep track of the money, Peter came up with this idea. They worked super hard!
The boys did fabulous! and even worked together! Earlier in the week, Jamison decided to dress Foxy up like ObiWan, even with a light saber. Peter declared that he was old enough to make his own breakfast. So I let him. I came downstairs to see this. At least the cereal was not all over the floor. Now once they learn how to make me some coffee I could sleep til noon!