Wednesday, April 28, 2010

sheet rock-check!

Sheet rock up! and now mud/tape/mud/tape/sand/ mud/ sand. And the best part....we dont have to do it!It looks like a room!
Now the important question.....what color should i paint!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Insulation and sheet rock

Foam insulation guys came and spent the whole day spraying, and spraying....with chemicals and more chemicals....but it is done! insulated! Its beginning to look more and more like a room! (kind of) Sheet rock today! and tomorrow!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kindergarten Spring Sing

Our first concert. The Kindergarten Spring Sing. Peter spotted us in the crowd, Jamison looked and looked but never did find us....even though i was one of those moms that stood up and waved and waved and waved. Can you spot them? (Peter is in yellow, on the left side of the picture and Jamison is in red (surprised?) in the center of the group but toward the right of this picture).The class did really well, there were only two melt downs, one girls started to sobb and was walked off to find her parents. This boy took the initiative to call out "MOM!!!!" and then proceeded to crawl off the stage.
Just a short clip of the beautiful signing!

attic progress

The attic is moving along nicely! (d0nt pay attention to the dirty camera lense). Closet! and the wiring is run and has been inspected.Air unit and windows are in!Roof supports in place. This will be one of the spaces for a desk. The boys really like the ladder! and so do the cuddle friends (or so I am told)"I am a contractor!" says Jamison

Next week-Insulation!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Work has begun!

Woohoo! Work has begun on the attic project! We have spent the last few weeks clearing out the attic and getting it ready! Chimney-gone. Conduit-fed through the chimney for any cable/power needed.
Facing North

Facing SouthThe contractor showed up early tuesday morning to get started! A boom truck showed up soon after with the lumber! Imagine a big guy, chain smoking while trying to angle the lumber through the window. Then they tried from a different angle. And then had to reposition the truck to get it close enough. Cant wait to see how the sheet rock is going to get up there!

Framing-in progress
Electrician- thursday
Things are rockin'!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Peter Day!

April 19-Peter Day. It is the day that Peter has been waiting for. (we have declared April 19 Peter Day and Oct 19 Jamison day, a day where it is all about them....and not their twin brother). For your day you get to pick out dinner and dessert. The Cullen boys have a love of bacon (i think I have mentioned that before) so for Peters dinner....bacon....i mean breakfast for dinner. They also get a little surprise present. Although these boys are smart. They remember that they get a little present and started making lists of ideas for me to pick from. I reminded them that is now how it works....and that I am intuned to what they like. pokeman, bakugan and yuh-gi-oh. There is no real surprise. Pokeman cards, a Poke-ball and a book. And for dessert....Peter could not decide so he asked me to make something fun. So home made chocolate chip cookie icecream sandwhiches! Yum!
(and yes, he is looking a little shaggy. He has been working hard to grow out his hair so he has a cool mohawk for the summer. Lately though he has been saying that he wants to have hair like his cousin Alex, who has hair past his shoulders. Not sure what way he is going to go but I have a feeling swimming lessons wont be much fun when you have a mop of hair in your eyes.)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Random pics

"Mom, can I go outside and play with the neighbor"
"Sure Peter but you have to wear your rain pants, jacket and boots"
"But why mom (insert any number of whiney excuses)....."
This is why! Close up of the muddy goodness! Pat says they are doing homework, something about fractions, it looks like an excuss to eat chips. I offered the pretzels but I guess this homework really needed chips. (or so I am told). Watch out world! The Cullen Boys have passports! "Mom! That means we can go to China! and Japan! and Germany and India and and!" Now I understand the Germany and Japan, but I am not sure why China, but I would love to go! But camping to Niagara falls!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter preparations

Once we were recovered from our mini vacation it was time to prepare for Easter. Eggs were boiled, dyed, decorated, broke and eaten. Fortunately Jamison has decided to like hard boild eggs so we had a great morning snack. Peter on the other hand does not care for them but made sure that Jamison and I had plenty for our snack. In our house E. Bunny stops by on friday to pick up the eggs that we decorated. Well, this year it appeared that he stopped for a rest on our couch and then was startled by Wini and took off running. While running he dropped eggs all over the back yard. Luckily we had Wini in the kennel as we did not want a repeat from last year. (Wini took off after E. Bunny and was gone for the most part of a day. When she returned she was super stinky and needed a bath.) There were eggs everywhere! some had candy, some had money and a couple had cool cars!Daddy already is negotiating for the chocolate covered peanut butter eggs.

The Easter Bunny hid the baskets pretty well this year. Jamison was convinced that his was going to be in the same corner as last year. "The easter bunny likes to hide them on corners and behind doors" says Jamison. So it worked when I told the boys that they had to clean up the house, even the corners, so the bunny can find places to hide.
E. Bunny brought the jumbo box of pokemon cards.....crack for kids. He also brought a bird house to paint, which the boys were able to set the cards down for a few minutes to paint them. They are now in the trees right outside the dining room window!
Gma and Gpa Van came down for Easter Day. We had ham, crepes deviled eggs and asparagus! Yum! and for dessert a Bunny cake! Peter asked to eat the head, Jamison asked for the neck and Gpa asked for the rump...he said it was the best part! Now all we have left is his lower abdomen. Yuck!
We also showed gma and gpa how we are doing on our bikes. Please enjoy the footage provided by gpa. Dont be alarmed, no one was injured during the making of the videos although Gpa was quite surprised a couple times. Jamison was quite proud of himself. While riding he was chatting "Im riding, uh hugh, Im doing it, oh yeah!" He then asked when he can take the bike off road. I reminded him that he first have to learn how to turn and THEN maybe we can talk about off road.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Break-Minneapolis!

Spring Break! Woohoo! and for a change of scenery the boys and I headed up to Minneapolis for a few days. It has been a while! We met up with Lily and Lucy for a date at the MN zoo. We saw the bears, lions and lots lots more! This bear is enjoying a melon for a snack, a whole melon. Jamison as the field researcher! The whole crew by the bronze lions. We also hit the "flomingos" And the moms had to recreat the picture from three years ago. Back then they were "fofingos". I guess in three years they earn the extra "L". I cant believe how much they have grown! I always like pictures like this, not sure why. Thanks Lily and Lucy for a fantastic trip to the Zoo! Prior to our vacation I gave each boy 10$ and told them that that is their money to buy a souvenier. I strongly reminded them that if they spent their money on the first day of vacation they would not be able to get anything else. They have the will power of their father. Meet bush baby and wolfy, Top shelf and third shelf. They were our purchases at the MN Zoo. The boys created a stadium for their cuddle friends at MaryAnns house. This stadium was the venue for the Cullen Boys Wrestling match 2010. We were able to have brunch with our friends Calvin Joe and Mrs Woessner and Miss MaryAnn and Dinner with Uncles Aunts and Cousin Grayson! It was awesome to see everyone again! Now time to stalk the old neighborhood. The pink house still looks the same, they even have the same curtains. The playground and coffee shop was the same also!! they boys dont remember any of it, a little sad but that is ok. I think I have a picture of the boys here too....i just have to dig more to find it. Yay I did! This was their 2nd birthday. Monday....Science see dinosaurs and a "real live mummy". Peter thought it was a little spooky and did not want to get real close. Jamison listened to the volunteer and learned all about him. And he learned that mummies are not wrapped in toilet paper, but linen. The human body exhibit was fun, here are the boys checking out each others eyes. And Jamison's favorite part was the sneeze exhibit. He loved getting sneezed on! ewe. "Mom, where does the endoplasmic reticulum go mom?" and "What does the golgi body do again?" I love my geeky boys! Then up to the MN exhibits. I actually assisted the museum in collecting this zebra mussels. When I told the boys this, Jamison proceed to tell everyone around him...they all looked at me like I was a liar. But I really DID! (Peter was getting pretty tired. can I please have a smile!) And if you think SMM was not enough for one day....we headed to MOA for the "shark museum" and Lego land! They had an awesome new jellyfish exhibit. It looked really futuristic. I would have loved to spend more time there but the boys had legos on the brain! LEGOLAND! The boys could have spent all day here...even Jamison built cars to race down the track! Peter started smack talking, saying that he can build a better car then me. Let the Lego throwdown begin. Sadly he was right. Mine kept running into the wall.
Ready, set GO! Mid race we had to get Icees and Icecream for more energy. While getting our picture infront of the Rainforest Cafe, Sharky, Underwater adventures mascot, jumped in for the shot. They boys were excited! Next day....Como Zoo!. I know. We were only there for a short time, we had to get it all in! We met our friends Miss Erin, Erik and Peder for more animals. Peter...exhausted and miserable.When the boys were two, we got our pictures take in this park with our lederhosen. Another picture I needed to recreate. Boys were tired of me recreating their toddler with a small bride I got this photo! It only cost me 50 Cents! I am sure they will catch on to my tactics and their rates will go up! Thanks Erik and Peder! So a little background, Peter does not like babies or toddlers. He got into trouble for hissing, growling and yelling at them and also smashing poor cousing Grayson's baseball hat. So this is his attempt to help Peder on the couch for a photo. Peder may need a chiropractor when he is older but at least he touched a toddler and was thoughtful enough to help. I think Jamison was missing he is talking to him on the phone telling him all about his day. GoodBye Minnesota. We had a great time!!! Look close....this car is a little confused. There is a Viking Logo next to a Packer Logo and they are from North Carolina! WOW. I promised McD....didnt want to but it was vacation. On our way home, we stopped in Fall Creek at Beaver Creek Nature Reserve. The place where I learned alot about nature. Peter sees the J-bird. But not a bluejay. We took to the trails! And found my favorite spot, Turtle Pond! We heard Wood Frogs and lots of them! And we had to try to catch them. Momma is the frog catching expert. Wood frogs are pretty shy, but I was able to catch one! Peter really wanted to catch one himself....but no luck. He would have got really wet!We even found a turtle....In Turtle Pond! He was warming his was 75°! Overlooking Beaver Creek! Hiding in the photography blind. We did not see many criters...mainly birds. They boys were just so excited that is was warm...and so was I!
A sign of a very fun trip....
and the morning after.....i guess we will be catching up on our Pokeman cartoons