Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Career on Wheels Day

So today was my day to chaperone Peters class to Carrer on Wheels Day. I was given 4 boys (not just any boys but Peter's "homies")to lead through a parking lot of fire trucks, police cars, hummers, tractors, loaders, utility trucks semi trucks and a bus. The boys were not so interested in listening to the people that came and talked about their jobs they were only interested in climbing on the vehicles, driving the vehicles and using their walkie talkies. Porter was totally surprised when it was HIS dad that brought the fire truck. The boys did listen well to the paramedic....she was handing out pencils.Kessler was using the police officers two-way radio while I was telling the boys that I dont want to ever see you sitting in the back of this car. The police officer had to insert and say that the biggest part of his job is making sure everyone was safe. The boys thought that he only arrests people. The electician had some wires set up so the boys can see what it takes to make a light go on and off. Also a doorbell and the doorbell really worked, well. Peter told him that we just had an electrican over in our attic. Here the aerospace engineer (i dont know how his job includes wheels but he had a cool contraption that simulated a rocket engine so he can stay) simulated rocket engine....they were all really interested in that! It made a really loud noise.
Jamison's class was there at the same time and we ran into him!. The kids learned that blowing up a balloon is similar to a rocket engine. Here they are fueling their engines.
The boys were in the utility truck and the engine started. I was afraid one of the boys did it, but it was the workers demonstrating how the lift works and then one worker started walking right up a pole! the boys were very impressed. I wonder how many times that guy is going to have to do that!.
There were many other grownups there sharing what they do for a job. The insurance agent explained the basics of insurance. "Your mom and dad give me little money, like one dollar and then if anything happens to their house, i give them lots of dollars to fix it". Dude, if your insurance costs $1, where do I sign up!
The kids were also asked to come to school dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up. Peter decided that he would be a super secret super spy. And a spy wears all black, like a ninja, including socks and underware. Jamison wanted to be a police officer but we didnt have the correct props around the house. He made a paper gun, but I told him that I think it looks too real and you are not suppose to bring guns to school. So he decided that he would be a Park Ranger. I thought he was going to be a chef. For years Pat thought Jamison should be a plumber and Peter should be an electrican. Who knows what they will be...i just hope they are not in the back of that police car.

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