Tuesday, December 9, 2008

St Nick came! and we saw Santa

I guess St Nick thought the boys were being good...and he left some presents in their stocking. We are hoping the report to the big man will be a good one.Speaking of the big man...he came to Mount Horeb this past saturday. and i think every kid in the area was there to see him. There was cookie decorating, story time and other activities there to keep us occupied while Pat stood in line.I was surprised to see the boys raise their hand to do the song in front of everyone!. They did a great job.
And...when we finally got to see "the man" they were not too shy to sit on his lap. I think it was the first. Jamison was so nervous that he forgot to ask for what he wanted and instead asked for what he got last year. I cant believe...Jamison was....speechless. I thought that would never happen.
We also put the final touches on the tree. The star on top. The boys insisted that Pat be there for it.
And...Peter was the Busy Bee at school and for the holidays we made craft for him to give to the kids in his class. Now, when I was a kid we had candy cane horses. I could not remember how they were made so I tasked Pat with designing them. He did a great job! I cant wait to tell all the other preschool moms that it was his design. !Even cats love christmas. Here is Indy in his favorite spot during the holidays.

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