Tuesday, December 22, 2009

week in review

St Nick brought CARS inspired Uno cards...and we have been playing almost every night. Lets just say that Peter really likes to win. We have had to have a couple talks about losing and winning....and I quote from my favorite book "Sometimes I like to run ever so fast...sometimes I come first but sometimes I come last" We are working on the latter part of that. Usually a game lost by Peter ends up in tears and him requesting "time by myself"
During our blizzard we took the opportunity to do some baking. I did not hide them well enough...so we had to bake some more. The boys were fantastic Hershey Kiss un-wrappers...as long as I promised one when they were done. Hopefully these will last until we give them to the neighbors across the street.
Dont you love winter time. The season of cold, snow...and GERMS. Both boys brought home the stomach flu. (note the bucket, bottom right of the picture). Fortunately they had it within hours of each other so they could have someone to be miserable with. Pat has fallen to the evil germs....I am still in the clear and I hope it stays that way.

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