Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekend with the Hansons

We had the pleasure of one more night with Heike before she drove back east and then over the pond to her home. The boys had a great time! and I bet you all did not know that we have a new member of our family. We figured that since there are no girls in the family we would just go out and get one.
Ok, not really, our girlfriends came for a visit, Lily and Lucy! The weekend was full of fun, making......
you would think that if the kids took ownership of making their creations they would eat them, not so much. Lily was the only one that truly tackled the pizza. Even though the weather was cold and wet we forced the kids to go on a nature hike. They thought it was a great idea until about 2/3 through the way. Then they were hungry and cold. We have to acclimate these kids to the long winter months somehow.We were also on a troll hunt. I never knew there was a Peter, Jamison and Lily troll. We captured them too!Thanks Hanson family for coming down for the weekend! We had a blast! Cant wait until the 3Bear lodge!

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