Towards the end of the season Peter started wearing his hat to hold his hair back instead of the headband. Peter is going for a long throw...the coaches liked the Paul ->Peter combination. Peter and Paul practiced a lot during recess. (how many "mary" jokes can you think of?)
Saturday morning we walked out of our back door to a terrible smell, like something died under our back porch...well something really did. Some how a red fox got under the deck and either could not get out or thought that that would be a nice place for his final moments. At any rate it SMELLED real bad!. Pat has been studying like a crazy man for his Microsoft Cert. Geek Exams and has completed 3 of his 4 needed exams. He decided to take part of the weekend off for a well deserved break and needed family time.
So we headed back to the most awesome corn maze in the state AND they had all of their other fun activities up and running. The Jacobs Ladder climb.
Jamison gave his best effort and came real close. Pat thought we could build one of these at home so they could practice.
We also tried the pumpkin launch. Peter got the closest to wining the pumpkin.
In the corn maze the boys took turns planning routes through to the next mailbox. We were hopeful to find the extra hole punches to win a tshirt but we soon got turned around, confused and tired. No free tshirt for us but we made it out alive!
Jamison took this picture of us right after coming out of the maze! Great we need to get him in it!. Sunday will be filled with outside chores and then Pat goes right back to studying!
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