Monday, January 24, 2011


!!!!!GREEN BAY PACKERS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!We are going to party all night and sleep all day! or atleast I am. My boys have declared that they HATE the Packers and are not going to cheer for them. I cant believe my offspring can think like that. Maybe they dont eat enough cheese....or drink enough beer. Hopefully one day they will come to their senses. In the mean time...woohooo SuperBowl here we come! The boys have been making projects out of paper. This one is some sort of weapon. I did not ask more. Jamison has one too and they battle. I guess that is what boys do. I went to the upstairs of the barn and this is what I found, it looks like a snowman pooped up there. No windows were open, there was no sign of leaks...but yet a pile of snow. Interesting. Pat has an exam to take for work so he has been studying and studying. He will not let himself play poker on the computer or watch any movies. Now that is dedication! I think he took the camoflage approach and hoped that noone would see him. It didnt work, somehow Peter made him move over.! It has been seriously cold around here the past few days (high of 5 degrees!) and we are needing a way to burn off some energy. So off to Madtowne Twisters it is! Balance beams, trampolines, bounce houses and foam pits will tire out a boy or two pretty well!

If you know of how i can convert to anti-packer fans let me know! The next two weeks to the superbowl are going to be long ones!!!!

Yippee! Go PACK GO!!

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