Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Jamison Day!

Oct 19, Jamison's 1/4 birthday. Or as we call it Jamison Day! Jamison has picked tacos for dinner and for dessert...mint chocolate chip ice cream in colored cones. The green cones were a little disturbing, but tasted fine. We willl have to remember these for St. Patrick's Day. For his special day present he got Star Wars Droid Ship and tickets to the movie Legend of the Guardians, to be seen on their day off of school next week. We like Jamison Day.....Peter wishes for Peter Day.Pat thought is was ok for Jamison to ride around outside in his underware. Good Grief! I am a little worried what he will do in college.
This past weekend we spent up north. Unlce Culley, Aunt Donna, Uncle Gary and Aunt Meri were all up for a very relaxing weekend. It was so relaxing, i did not take many pictures. Pat was going to "teach" the boys how to shoot the crossbow, but it ended up that all the men were shooting and the boys got bored. We will have to recreate the "pat with knobby knees and braces" picture when the boys are a little older, and with less complicated bows. As a "thankyou" for watching Bosco, our friends brought back some ToyStory legos. We spent the night racing who could put it together faster....not to brag, Jamison and mom won, but it was not a race...but we still won. Halloween is coming fast, and we are getting our costumes ready. We scored some boot and belts from the local Savers to make the ObiWan and Luke Skywalker costumes complete. Now I have to finish sewing a few other parts. In the mean time, ObiWan and Luke are training to be Jedi. Jamison really likes the boots and was outside riding his bike with them. He thought is was crazy fun until he crashed. .

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