Monday, June 21, 2010

Fathers Day

More progress has been made on the attic. This past weekend Pat sanded the floors and they are ready for the poly! They are as smooth as a babies bottom! I realized this is not a dirty camera lense but the flash hitting the dust in the air. There was a bumpy start.....the sander tripped every possible circuit in the house. So Pat had to improvise. Dont show this to the inspector! I am thankful Pat knows what he is doing with electricity....he had to wire a new larger circuit just for the job. It would be something MacGyver would be proud of...although there was no duct tape. For Father's Day we made bacon, eggs and pancakes. Jamison is sure a handy kitchen helper (except for the big mess he makes and convienently disappears at cleaning time.) Gifts were given "Cullen Style", wrapped in the bag they came in. A video game the boys can play "with" dad on his Nintendo DS, a magnet from Peter that he made in school and a clay pot that Jamison made in school. According to Peter's card
Pat is -
As handsone as a ladebug (ladybug)
as smart as a frog
as tall as mom
as funny as a dinosaur
as happy as a muke (monkey)
as strong as a sok (Peter does not remember what that was)
as hungry as a frowr (again, dont know what that is)
as nice as a moke (monkey again)

Dinner request from the man of the and carrots on the front porch, no plate required. I wish it was the steak and lobster my dad was getting but pizza will do!

Happy Father's Day!

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