Monday, April 19, 2010

Peter Day!

April 19-Peter Day. It is the day that Peter has been waiting for. (we have declared April 19 Peter Day and Oct 19 Jamison day, a day where it is all about them....and not their twin brother). For your day you get to pick out dinner and dessert. The Cullen boys have a love of bacon (i think I have mentioned that before) so for Peters dinner....bacon....i mean breakfast for dinner. They also get a little surprise present. Although these boys are smart. They remember that they get a little present and started making lists of ideas for me to pick from. I reminded them that is now how it works....and that I am intuned to what they like. pokeman, bakugan and yuh-gi-oh. There is no real surprise. Pokeman cards, a Poke-ball and a book. And for dessert....Peter could not decide so he asked me to make something fun. So home made chocolate chip cookie icecream sandwhiches! Yum!
(and yes, he is looking a little shaggy. He has been working hard to grow out his hair so he has a cool mohawk for the summer. Lately though he has been saying that he wants to have hair like his cousin Alex, who has hair past his shoulders. Not sure what way he is going to go but I have a feeling swimming lessons wont be much fun when you have a mop of hair in your eyes.)

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