Monday, March 22, 2010

Eagles and friends

The weekend the boys were waiting for! A weekend with the Moore Boys! We headed up to Wabasha for an action packed weekend for the boys (and a relaxing weekend for the grownups!) The boys get along together and have loads of fun the parents can actually relax, chat and have a great weekend! Since Wabasha is "eagle country" and Jamison loves all birds and birds of prey especially we headed to the National Eagle Center. We say many eagles on the river and some rescue birds inside. Including this golden eagle named Donald. Hey boys....say "fish!" After the Eagle Center we headed to Whitewater State Park for a picnic lunch and a hike. I spent many days in this park surveying amphibians and reptiles a long long time ago! On our way there we saw many birds, Sandhill cranes, turkeys and swans! Hey boys! wait up for us! The boys were so excited to get out and explore! They thought these bridges across the trout stream were "totally awesome!" What I thought was awesome was that we were able to see more than 30 trout in the trout stream! Our hike lead us to "Inspiration Point", a really cool rock outcrop with great views. Peter has developed a fear of heights and claimed there was no way he was going to go out there! His body started to shake and decided this was as far as he was going to go! He did awesome on the way up! talking to himself.. "just look up, just look up" We were told by the ranger that some nesting peregrin falcons have returned, one was first sighted today. And guess what, we say them BOTH! Lets home they have another successful nesting year. The hike led us to Chimney Rock. Peter was fascinated by the rocks and said that he was going to come back one day to study.
He specifically said that he was going to study THIS rock, so he asked to take a picture of it so he can find is when he is older. (you could tell he wanted to collect it but knew that he can not pick things from state parks). He also asked if he could get his picture taken in front of this rock formation, but only he could be in this picture. I think he might be really passionate about rocks! Back at the Moore house, the boys relaxed with some video games, a movie and a sleep over. I think they were all tired, once we said good night we never heard another word from the room! Now that was a sign of a good time!
And the most exciting park of the weekend (in a mothers eye) is the below video!
Yes, we have some 2 wheel bike riders! It took a little convincing (and a small bribe of 3$) but well worth the investment. I am hoping we can now take the training wheels off of their bikes at home and continue! Jamison also rode the bike, but was distracted buy a game of baseball and didnt not want to try more. WooHoo!
Thanks Megan, Ryan Caleb and Issac for a great weekend!!!!!

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