Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow day

Another snow day, sheesh. These kids are going to go to school until July. So for this snow day I treated the boys to a movie and pizza. What I did not know was that we were going to get a personal showing to Alvin and the Chipmunks.

I never was the only one in the movie! When asked, Jamison said his favorite park of the movie was when the kids were given wedgies...nice hugh. The boys look sweet, eh? dont let them fool you, they have been at each others neck for the past couple days. I have had to seperate them in different rooms just so they dont hit each other. This photo quickly lead to a push and a scratch....and a timeout out for both boys. Mount Horeb Fire Chief Himsel died last week and the town gave him full goodbye. He dedicated his life to fire safety. Our thoughts go out to him and his family.Fire Trucks came from all around the state came to pay their respects. There were so many trucks coming into town there was a guy in front of our house directing them where to go. I felt bad for the guy standing there for hours...i brought him some coffee. Raise your hands if you are ready to go back to school???? I am.!!!

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