Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Bday and cake

In Van Nelson tradition birthday kids get to pick out their cakes. This year, Jamison chose a chocolate missile and Peter chose a lemon army tank. Basically they are over-manipulated cake with icing as the glue. Despite every ounce of moral judgement....i broke my rule and bought army men....they needed to be purchase to decorate the cake. Do you realize in the bag of 50 army men only 5 did not have a gun in their hand. I used the 5.

The boys were then able to open a few more gifts including one from their brother....solely picked out by the boy, ones from us and our cousins out in Boston. Robots, airplanes, transformers, legos, markers and bakugan what more can a 5yo want. All a hit! Man! it is fun to be 5. Happy Birthday Jamison and Peter.

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