Tuesday, May 12, 2009

gardening, deck and nature walks

We started a garden next to the barn. The boys were very interested in what lived in the dirt...we found milipedes, centipedes, earwigs a variety of grubs, silver fish ants and worms. Peter declared (about 50 times) that this is very hard work...and I reminded him that it will be worth it! We also picked out some plants for some of the planters around the house. The boys are a lot of help.

Pat started with the new decking and again, the boys were very interested in helping. I then took the boys on an adventure to Indian Lake County park so Pat can actually get some work done.

The boys really enjoy the nature hikes and want to learn all about plants, bugs and other animals, I am very excited....i guess i need to really brush up on my plant and insect identification, like this really cool nest/swarm of caterpillars. There were hundreds of them on this bush. Then we found some cool shells in Indian Lake. (and I dead fish, i was not all too impressed with the fish but the boys were)

They were not really holding hands but as a mom I will use this photo as blackmail with the boys when they are 16.

And as a very special treat, I picked up some of the boys favorite soda, Izzy pomegranate soda.

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