Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter weekend

**Update** with pics!

so quess what....the computer is not working again. Isnt there a saying "the cobblers family has no shoes?" Something about IP an address...i dont know. I was assured that he is "working on it" We will see how long it takes. So, highlights with out pics...

Momma emailed EBunny and asked him if he could come a day early since we were going to be at GmaVan's house for easter. The Big Bunny was happy to come early...until he remembered that we have a beagle. Well, EBunny was chased out of the house by the crazy hound and spilled two buckets of eggs filled with tatoos, candy and money all over the back yard (insert cute picture of two boys in their PJs running all around the back yard picking up eggs) . Wini was still hot on the famous rabbits scent even after we found all the eggs and ran away chasing him all the way back into Stewart Park and was gone for about an hour. Pat lured her back by shaking her food dish with food. That darn beagle! Fortunately...EBunny was able to hide some nice baskets with goodies.

The Easter weekend was complete with a day trip up to Green Bay to visit our cousins and another egg hunt. (insert photo of 4 Van grandboys opening eggs full of candy and money).

We also received a package from Germany with some fun new puzzles, yummy german chocolate and our favorite german rain pants...the best invention EVER! Thanks Heike! (insert picture of two happy boys with rain pants)

Pat has made progress on the deck demolition (insert photo of demolished deck) and we are looking forward to building a new one. Pat has been very resourceful and has been using the wood from the deck to make many things for around the house....sides to his trailer, platforms for the zipline that he is planning to make with the neighbor and a new potting bench for me for mothers day...that I am not suppose to know about but know about.

Weather here has been fabulous! and we have been spending a lot of time outside.

We went to "bulldozer park" and played in the sand and climbed trees (insert photo of two monkeys, i mean boys, in a tree).

And today was a very big day, Kindergarten screening day. The day where the boys get to tour the school, meet the teachers and check out what they are going to get themselves into next year. The boys did well and are still excited to go in the fall. Jamison did express concern that he missed Peter (they were in seperate sessions) but I think he will be ok. I am still not sure if they should be in the same class or different classes....i see benefits to both....but hopefully things will all work out and noone will have to seek counceling.....even me. The stress! my kids are almost in school! YIKES.

Hopefully we will get the computer up and running this weekend and be able to load some pictures.

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