Sunday, June 1, 2008

Everyone gets a haircut

The boys haircut inspired us. As you can see the front yard contained some very large, a bit over-grown trees. And for a reason (we learned later) did not winter very well (see all the dead spots). We need a little change. SO..... Pat took a chain saw to them!. We were a little nervous to see what these trees have been hiding for the past 50+years (we counted the rings....they are atleast 50 yo). Pat made the analogy that men are always nervous about shaving their never know what is underneath.
The trees were a little lop-sidded, the trunks were about 2feet from the house and reached out atleast 4+feet away from the house. Pat remembers the day that he could jump over them...not so much anymore. Well, the verdict....looks good!. Neighbors even stopped by and commented that they never knew there was a house behing all those trees! Now for the next few weeks we will be digging out the root ball. That will be the hard part! and deciding what to put there in its place, maybe a dogwood, forsythia or rhododendron. Who knows! And of course I could not have a post with out a picture of the boys.

Now for the dead parts....we discovered that there were some critters chewing on the branches. The winter was hard on everyone...even the rabbits. It is hard to tell on this picture but they sure did a number on them (all the bright white parts)

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