Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tree #1

There are a couple of dead trees on the lot and now that Pat has a is coming down. I called my father to come down to offer a sense of reason, oversee safety and be available to call 9-1-1 if needed. Picture of the tree before-I learned that when the neighbors (men mostly) hear a chainsaw start up...everyone comes to see what is going on! All chipped in to help...that was was fun to see.5 of the six men in front of their "kill". I am sad to say that there was one casualty...a very nicely hidden squirrel nest with a couple babies was discovered a little too late. One squirrel for sure did not make it. Once discovered is was quickly moved to a safe location in hopes that momma and the surviving babies would live a happy life tormenting our dog. The tree after. Now if anyone has suggestions as to how to accelerate the decomposition of a large tree stump, let us know!Not only does Pat get to use his chainsaw, multiple trips with the tractor and wagon was needed to bring the tree to the street. Tractors and chainsaws...Pat is in heaven! I guess I was not surprised that the wood was almost walking off of our property! People driving by were picking it up almost faster than we were able to get it out there! I cant complain! The boys were very hard workers....lifting logs, dragging sticks and spreading wood chips. Pat treated them to a little tractor ride. Notice carefully....they are belted in!
Peter with the safety goggles, you can never be too safe! That's my boy!and of course...a picture of Jamison......saying cheese!

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