Friday, January 11, 2008

Night in the workshop

Friday nights are exciting here. Gma and Gpa Cullen gave our first model airplanes for christmas. Here is Jamison painting the fusaloge red and Peter is painting the wings white. The boys did a fab job keeping most of the paint on the plane. Most of the paint. To Jamison's defense the paint was on his hand and then he wiped his brow because he was working so hard.Then we got out tool belts on and started working on the tractor

"you put the what? into the what??" Says Peter. "where is that manual?"
And then off to the soap box derby races. We are getting a head start to the boy scout years of racing. Gpa Van's cars go pretty nice...need a little axel grease.

(and by the way, Pat did a great job getting his shop almost organized. A few more boxes and he should be set. I will start taking bets as to when it looks like a tornado hits the shop again). Now I just need him to set up my work bench and then I will know where a hammer is.
And an weather update.....there were some crazy storms through this area earlier this week. I believe lightening struck really stinking close to the house or barn. You ask how I might know that....we I woke up to thunder and lightening Monday morning, and heard/saw the LOUDEST crack I have ever heard in my like (no exaggerating) and then when I got out to the garage to go to work, both of the garage door openers did not work, half of the lights in the garage are blown and a couple electrical outlets no longer work. There were fire trucks, police cars and town utility trucks investigating. I have not had a chance to talk to the neighbors yet so hopefully someone will know something.

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