Friday, August 22, 2008

Dr and Dentist

Well, it was time for our annual check ups and since the boys have not been to the dentist I made one of those apts also! Rough week for a 4yo

At the dentist the boys were awesome! (except for swallowing the floride, oopps) Peter liked that he got a bag of goodies...if you need dental floss he is your man!. Jamison was a bit talkative and when the hygenist was talking about germs in his mouth....he said "stop talking about germs!" Then to the doctor. What I did not know is that they get shots at this visit, 4 of them! We were not prepared. They were brave but ultimately left there screeming and swearing that the dentist was a whole lot better! and at the doctor they only got stickers.

The boys are growing and healthy!
Jamison 41lbs (83%) and 41 3/4 inches (78%) with a BMI of 16!
Peter 37.5lbs (61%) and 41 1/4 inches (67%) with a BMI of 15!

there is a little concern with their eyesight...their genetics state that they will both likely need glasses...but we were assured it is a little early to know. They played the "pirate game" pretty well but I am guessing from their responses and their actions that they dont have 20/20 vision. They are not running into anything and can spot critters in the grass pretty well so there is no major concern.

Preschool Mug Shots to be added on Sunday!

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