Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Last week the boys and I went to a "U-pick" vegetable farm.... and we a had a blast! We picked tomatoes, broccoli, eggplant, peppers, pumkins, baby heads (brusselsprouts) and gords! Can you tell what Jamison's and Peter's favorite colors are?Jamison posing in from of the rows and rows of tomatoes! I am going to have to look up Gma Van's recipes for tomato soup and spaghetti sauce!and there was a sea of flowers that you could pick! They were so beautiful we had to get a photo!Back home we were very proud of our pumpkins and had to show them off. These are the cooking variety and will be made into Heike's Pumpkin Soup! We also went apple picking. Jamison and Peter were fascinated by the kitties that lived on the farm (in the tree) This one was showing us where the good apples are!

and yes....Peter has an eye for fashion! Orange, or other bright colors and the craziest pattern ever!

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