Monday, May 9, 2011

Fishing widow and Mother's Day

Who plans Fishing Opener the same weekend as Mother's Day? Not sure but it worked out really well this year! Pat went up north fishing and I hung out with the boys all weekend!As a kid we would ask my dad what he wanted as a gift and he ALWAYS replied "good kids". Rarely were we able to deliver. I was pleasantly surprised by the boys as they were fun, happy and all around great kids! and I didnt have to ask! It was awesome. They played well with each other and did not fight and were helpful around the house! It was the best present ever! I also loved their cards and presents made from school! Happy Mother's Day to my mom and all the moms out there!
The weather has been trying to turn around. It was nice enough on saturday to have a picnic dinner outside. We sat outside to enjoy the sun. I just wished the boys would finish eating before they laid down. The latest obsession.....beyblades. Basically tops that would "battle". Last one standing is the winner. They can battle for hours! and there is no trickery or manipulation....which means no fighting or complaining that someone is not being fair. Of all the crazy kid crap for collecting, I think this might be my favorite one.On Sunday we went hiking at a state park that we have never been to before. It was Jamison's turn to take some photos with my camera. He stuck to more trees and plants. Peter did see some rocks that he needed to take pictures of. I am so glad we have a digital camera. We have A LOT of pictures of rocks. This one had a lake where the boys could get their feet wet...and eventually their bottoms. The water was pretty cold but that did not seem to bother the boys. Man, Peter's hair is getting long. it will be interesting how summer goes, it is getting to that length where it is in his eyes all the time. The 16th annual Womens Weekend in Minneapolis at the end of April. WW is like fight club, 1st rule is you do not talk about what is said at WW. 2nd rule, you do not repeat what is said at WW. #3 someone has to bring the Oreos and #4 there has to be booze. Thanks ladies, it was nice to see you all!. Start thinking about the 20th! it has to involve a plane, at least 4 nights and maybe a beach or the use of my passport!

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