Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So on our vacation Peter saw a boy with a mohawk. He asked what that style was and when I told him he said that he wanted his hair to look like that. So we did it! Although I am handy with a razor, i wanted Peter to tell the stylist exactly what he wanted and if he did not like it i was not the one to blame.

Cindy, the stylist, even put product in it to make it spikey. When it was all done there was a smile from ear to ear! Peter asked if I had product to make it spikey...i am sure I can find something!. He was a little upset tonight when it came to shower time...he wanted to make sure that it was not flat. Can you imagine, I am putting gel in my 5yo hair. I dont do that to my own hair.Peter also knows that when school comes around he will be getting another haircut.

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