Sunday, May 31, 2009

Air Show and the Blue Angels

While Pat was working on the deck, the boys and I went to Janesville for an airshow starring the Blue Angels. Pat was pretty bummed, I knew he would have really liked this, and be able to help answer all the questions the boys had.Also starring was a F16 along with loads of other planes and helicopters and one crazy truck that blew flames out of the back. It was also red, Jamison had to have a picture of it.This F16 knew his stuff and wowed the crowd. The boys kept asking if that was Uncle Tim in that plane, they were a little sad when I said no, but someone like Uncle Tim was in it. I would also say that this one was the loudest demonstations, next time bring ear protection, sweatshirts over the ears could only do so much.The boys loved sitting in all the planes, "It was amazing" says Jamison. There were big ones and little ones. Peter declared this Marine plane below was his favorite, sorry Tim, I think it was the werewolf that he really liked. Even the popsicles were big, this is the biggest one I have seen! We talked to a couple of the small plane pilots and the boys got a lesson on how to fly them. Jamison just liked talking.....unfortunately telling everyone what happened to his neck "Peter was driving the pink jeep and Wini's rope got caught and we tipped over and now I get to use a magical plant" interpretation....Jamison got clothes-lined by Wini's lead and now has some rope burn. I have been putting some aloe on it to help heal it. I have pictures but I think I would get a call from social services if I posted them. It was nasty and something a mother never wants to see. BUT everyone is ok, he has a cool story and we have a new rule in the toys with wheels when Wini is outside. Now back to the airfest. The boys did really well in the large crowd and I treated them to a toy plan. They would watch the planes go by and then reinact them with the toys. I would suggest you turn the volume down before you play this one...again, it was a little loud.

If this is how Peter is going to fly when he grows up I am going to be a little worried.
We needed a picture of the Coast Guard Rescue plane because we have one that looks just like this...ok, not so big but the boys thought it was super cool.
Quote from Jamison" Momma, I wish there were more stores at the airshow because I wanted to pick something out for you and say thankyou, I love you, I love Janesville." I guess he really liked the airshow. Got to love that kid! Thanks Gma Jill for suggesting it, it was a hit!

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